Construction and related industries
Construction industry businesses valued by Chris Goodburn include general contractors, building material distributors, contract management firms, excavating companies, electrical contractors, heating and air-conditioning contractors, flooring distributors, painting businesses, and landscaping firms.
1. Preparing Your Construction Business for Sale includes ten tips designed to help you make your company attractive to buyers, maximize its value, and pave the way for a smooth sale.
2. Case Study: What’s My Business Worth – Sullivan Homes Ltd. Harry is not happy. His partner, Jim, has a serious health issue and wants to sell their construction business. However, there is no shareholders’ agreement to guide them through the process, and there are unresolved grievances. Can they find a solution that secures Jim’s retirement while ensuring the company’s continued success? Has Jim, the majority shareholder, been paying himself too high a salary, trampling on Harry’s shareholder rights? Will their disputes have to be resolved in the courtroom? And finally, could it all have been avoided?
3. Why Won’t My Construction Business Sell? If your construction business isn’t selling, you’re not alone. Up to 80% of businesses with revenues under $1,000,000 fail to sell when brought to market. How can you improve your chances of a successful sale?
His guide, Maximizing Business Value Construction Companies, is now available.